Well-known Personalities
1.Cabral,Pedro Alvarez(1467-1520
Portuguese navigator, discovered Brazil.
2. Caesar, Julius (101-44 BC)
A great Roman general.Invaded Britain (55 BC), defeated Pompey whom he pursued to Egypt , where he established Cleopatra as queen. At Rome he became dictator, and his reforms include the Julian calendar. Murdered.
3. Calvin, John (1509-1564)
French Protestant reformer and theologian.
4. Camus, Albert (1913-1960)
French novelist, dramatist; native of Algeria. The Price of Justice, and L' Etranger. Nobel prize, 1957.
5. Capra, Frank (1897-1991)
American movie maker, a trendsetter who grabbed many firsts in film techniques.
6. Chan, Jackie (1954)
Movie star from Hong Kong. Made more than 40 film s since '76, when he was touted as the new Bruce Lee.
7. Chekhov, Anton (1860-1904)
Russian dramatist and short story writer. Uncle Vanya.
8. Cornwallis, Lord (1738-1805)
Governor General of India, 1786. Laid foundation of the Indian Civil Service.
9. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936)
English essayist, novelist and poet.
10. Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965)
British PM 1940-45; 1951-55; author. Nobel prize for Literature.